Friday, July 11, 2008

"A-Rod 1 ASV Figure Comming Soon in 2008"

First of I'm loving this Figure for many reason and I will post them later... But what this Pro-Ball Player his down for MLB period is Priceless he is always in the running for League MVP every year never it trouble until this year with his wife but overall just a class act ball player on and off the field... I dont think NYC is the place for "A-Rod" but he will be fine....

He ave over 35 plus Homeruns and 105 R.B.I with everytime he puts on a MLB Uniform....

What else you want from "A-Rod" Yankees Fans?


1.Pose:(Real Batting Stands)

2.Cheats:(Nike Cheats #13 is on them)

3.Gloves:(Nike Gloves Very detail)


1.Belt(Belt does not go All-Way Around uniform pants)

2.Bat:(Dont know what kind of bat in hands)

3.Uniform:(Diffrent Scheme of Yankees what have been better)

Rating of "ASV A-Rod" Figure 7.5/10


BennettForce said...

If someone were to collect one type of sports figurine what would you suggest?

Elijah said...

I would suggest Eric "Mcfarlane" Sports Figures... Because they have more value and series 1-19 and counting and down the road you can get some custom ones as well that you can collect your favorite sports players... Wait tell you get your first Sports Figure in your hand and look the at Very detail of it you will go crazy eric....